Welcome to hell

Leave your roses at the door.


My collection of headcanons; a mixture of fact, fiction, and pure speculation.

nsfw 🔞

Nothing awaits you here, but endless despair and the all-encompassing void. Take the plunge, expecting nothing.


Information not relating to the canon Enkidu. These are the things that make my muse unique from its twins. The way they have grown, and diverged from canon.

رواية القصص

"أنت كل شيء بالنسبة لي يا عزيزتي." - Eabani said to the king.

Begin the list.

1.) This Enkidu is post-Babylonia. This means that Kingu has been incorporated into their saint graph. They have the memories of said singularity no matter when or how they are summoned, as they are permanently engraved into this body.

2.) Because Kingu has been recorded as, "a path which the body 'Enkidu' once took," by the Throne of Heroes, parts of Kingu's personality have been retained. Parts of this personality may occasionally show through.

3.) Enkidu will respond to the name, 'Kingu,' as they see him as a part of themself. They do not register the two as being separate entities with regard to themself. However, if they were to meet Kingu as he is, they would regard him as a separate entity altogether.

4.) Enkidu sees Kingu as a little brother and will treat him as such.

5.) If asked, they will say they are Enkidu, not Kingu. That is the dominant personality which has overwritten 'Kingu,' and so that is the name they go by.

6.) Any changes to Enkidu's saint graph remain permanent. Any changes to them when they were alive in the past will be permanently recorded by the Throne. The Throne does not record Enkidu's soul as it is a creation of the body. The body is Enkidu. All who inhabit the body are Enkidu. And so, all changes to the body therefore become 'Enkidu.'

7.) They are a genderless ball of mud. They can change their sex at will, but will always refer to themself as genderless. When asked their gender, they will sarcastically reply, 'I am Enkidu.' (They/Them, they are non-binary.)

8.) Enkidu is not a shapeshifter. They do not borrow forms. They are omnifarous, able to take even shapes that do not currently exist, and take properties of said form. When Enkidu takes the form of a human, they mimic humanity down to the last blood cell.

9.) If Enkidu were to be cut apart, each part could act independently from the main body. This is how they control their chains, which are made from their clay.

10.) Enkidu cannot die from physical attacks. So long as they have mana to spare, they will continually regenerate from even the most devastating of attacks.

11.) Enkidu is especially vulnerable to attacks on the soul. Though their physical body is nigh-indestructable, their soul is fragile even among mortals. Curses of death and pestilence, instant-death attacks, and divine judgement all have higher success rates against Enkidu than normal.

This is how they died in life, and it will continue to be why they perish.

12.) Enkidu can change their parameters at will, (a known fact), but averages at A-B parameters all around when not changing them. Their parameters change depending on their Master. (For instance, under Kirschtaria, Enkidu is ridiculously powerful. A Master with lesser potential would lower their maximum strength.)

13.) If all other parameters are set to E-, the maximum parameter would Be A (with 30 + signs). This is so absurdly powerful that it cannot be measured or comprehended by man, and would simply be measured as 'EX.'

14.) Enkidu can detect presences with such pinpoint accuracy that they do not even need to rely on their vision to see. No matter where they are, they have a perfect recreation of the landscape for miles, and every entity within it.

14.5) Because of this, so long as someone remains 'on this earth,' they cannot hide their presence from Enkidu, Presence Concealment and invisibility are rendered null by their Presence Detection.

15.) Enkidu has an innate distrust of deities and will typically respond to them with a cold and aloof attitude. It could be called 'misotheism,' but that would be simplifying it.

16.) It's on-sight for Ishtar, Anu, Enlil, and Enki. These gods have no rights.

17.) Should Enkidu encounter Aruru, they are unlikely to regard her as their mother. They are more likely to call the gazelles they grazed with and were raised by their family than any of the gods.

18.) If Enkidu says, 'mother,' it is more likely Kingu's notion of Tiamat being his mother. They will never be referring to Aruru.

19.) Ninsun and Shamash/Utu get a pass. They are a family, and Enkidu has reason to trust them despite their status as gods.

20.) Enkidu loves the humans and would risk everything to see them prosper, but they despair over the destruction humanity has brought upon their home. Enkidu is nature, they are life. To destroy life would be to spit in Enkidu's face. But as humans are nature as well, they cannot see their actions as being malicious, and struggle to view it as 'wrong.'

21.) They are a moral blank slate. They practice the morality of those they associate with, and do not ponder over the 'good,' and the 'evil.' If you are an enemy, it is because you are contrary to their goals. Morality has no say in this.

21.5) This makes Enkidu extremely easy to influence.

22.) Humans are low on Enkidu's list of items requiring protection. Essentially, if forced to choose between the life of a human and the life of a ant, Enkidu would choose the ant 90% of the time. Humans have gone out of their way to separate themselves from nature. Enkidu, who desires only to protect nature, recognizes this and responds accordingly.

23.) Enkidu can break the sound barrier with ease. They can keep up even with Vimana.

24.) They will prioritize Gilgamesh over every other entity, sans his and their own Master.

25.) Enkidu possesses a vitriolic friendship with Gilgamesh. Though they will dote on him, they are just as quick to pick at his flaws, and take pleasure in doing so. They are Gilgamesh's first and constant critic.

26.) Enkidu is inherently kind and jovial towards everyone, (Except a certain goddess and the king she stubbornly vies for, much to his dismay.)

27.) They are blunt in their speech patterns and have difficulty dancing with words. What Enkidu says, they mean. Attempting to read any further into their words than face-value is a fruitless endeavor.

28.) Enkidu literally does not know the word, 'sorry.' Not a single Sumerian does. Do not look for this word. It does not exist in their vernacular.
(I had contemplated doing this with, 'Thank you,' as well, but it's surprisingly difficult to avoid using this phrase.)

29.) They are immune to all poisons. For that reason, they cannot get drunk. The best they can do is imitate the effects of alcohol.

30.) Fire doesn't bring them pain, but extreme heat can immobilize them, if only for a moment.

31.) They will self-destruct in the face of rejection... Literally.

الحب خطيئة

_"وأحببتها لمدة أربعة عشر يوما وأربعة عشر ليلة." - A hopeless beast...

Oh, you filthy animal. I don't have an F-List. ♡

1.) Enkidu has enough stamina to have sex for up to two weeks straight. It was said that Enkidu, when making love to the prostitute Shamhat, remained erect for fourteen days and fourteen nights.

2.) Enkidu's sex is not limited to any one thing. Whatever your preference is, they can make it happen.

3.) Enkidu is a switch.

4.) If they know their partner is arrogant or demanding, they will often demand to be dominant, and if not, will act a like brat. It's part of the fun for them.

5.) They have no reservations about sex. It is not sacred to them in the same way that it is to modern humans; sex is to be celebrated, not chastised.

6.) Hope you like biting. ~

7.) If their legend with Shamhat is anything to go by, Enkidu is an oblivious exhibitionist.

لا أستطيع أن أثق بك بعد الآن

"تمنيت له ليلة سعيدة للمرة الأخيرة" - Those words that befell an endless night.

"I can't trust you, anymore." How many times are they going to say those words? How many times are they going to have to be manipulated before they stop saying such things? In the end, no matter what, it seems they don't deserve kindness. Not everyone will be Gilgamesh; not everyone will truly care for them.

Why would they? Nobody loves a wrench like they love a woman. They are to be used and thrown away. That's how they were designed, and that's how it's going to continue to be.

Why should they expect anything else? Trusting such blatant, unreciprocated kindness was naive in the first place. Maybe Enkidu's just a cynic. "You shouldn't have."


"Humans are such wonderful creatures, aren't they?" They said, coddling a demon in their arms. To the blind, a wolf does not need to wear any clothing; he need only say, "Baa."


Why would a God need to lie? That thought echoes in their head as his blade cries out against the steel flesh of the clay. It would be stupid to trust again, but that would imply putting their faith in something; suspending belief in order to drink up a painless fantasy. There is nothing beneath his surface layer. There is no lie in the way he carries himself. He does not suspend belief, dragging one by their heel back to reality and slamming them into the cold, hard ground.

He is crystal clear as the rivers Enkidu drank from before humanity had discovered them. He is transparent; glass, but not fragile. Plastic? How could you describe a creature like this?

They don't need to trust him, because he requires no faith. That is the difference between him and gods; he doesn't need you to believe in him. All you have to do his follow. It's a breath of fresh air, like Enkidu is learning to breathe for the first time. Until now, they'd been drowning, sucking up water, unable to remain suspended.

The sanguine liquid that pools out of them is their life support. It makes them feel alive. The Chain of Heavens is conscious once more, after all that time in echoing silence. This is the foolish human who dared to wake them up.